Exercise and Healthy Eating Are Vital for Your Physical and Mental Well-Being

Exercise and Healthy Eating Are Vital for Your Physical and Mental Well-Being

Stephen Conchie, Regional President of Asia Pacific and China, Herbalife Nutrition


There is no doubt that the pandemic has caused Thais to be more aware of the state of their health. Our recent Asia Pacific Health Inertia Survey, involving 500 Thais aged 18 and above, found that the majority of respondents considered the current state of their health less than ideal. More than 60% said that their current mental and physical health condition was ‘fair’ or ‘poor’, outnumbering those who felt that their health was ‘good’, ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’.

Stephen Conchie, Regional President of Asia Pacific and China, Herbalife Nutrition

While this tells us that Thais may not be feeling too upbeat about their physical and mental health, there was a particular group of respondents who saw improvements in their physical and mental health from a year ago. Those who saw their health improve attributed the turnaround to ‘more exercise’ (61%) and ‘healthier meals’ (63%), showing that physical activity and good nutrition may be the keys to enhancing their overall well-being.


For those Thais who stated that their mental health improved compared to 12 months ago, the number one reason was more exercise (57%), followed by eating more nutritious food (54%), implementing new routine with conscious breaks in between daily activities (49%) and engaging in new interests and hobbies (49%). And those who stated that their physical health improved, the important reasons were engaging in more exercise (61%) and consuming healthier meals (55%).


If you haven’t been exercising or eating nutritious meals on a regular basis, make it a point to start today. With a wide range of technology tools, virtual platforms, and health-focused communities available these days, the means to making exercise and a healthy diet part of your daily life are now more easily accessible than ever.


Harness technology for health

The proliferation of technology has empowered people with the digital tools they need to be active wherever they are. With health and fitness mobile apps, virtual fitness classes and videos as well as dedicated smart watches and smartphones that double up as fitness trackers, you can easily find a workout plan that fits your schedule. Nutrition apps are also a handy tool to keep track of your food choices as you go about your day, making it easier for you to assess your nutritional gaps and plan your meals ahead.

Develop good nutrition habits

Aside from engaging in exercise, it’s also important to practise good nutrition habits in your everyday life. Making the effort to consume balanced meals with a good mix of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and choosing nutrient-rich snacks rather than calorie-rich but otherwise empty options, will help your body get the nutrients it needs. Hydration is also critical, as it enables your body to better absorb the nutrients that you consume.


Set personal goals

As we all know, starting an activity is the easy part, but making it a habit takes consistent effort and discipline. To keep yourself on track to meet your health and fitness goals, be sure to set personal targets that you must work hard at to achieve in the mid to long term. These can come in the form of completing a marathon, or taking part in a series of 21 km runs, one for each quarter of the year.


While physical mass participation runs and sporting events may seem like a distant memory now, today we have virtual versions that you can take part in at your desired time and venue. Signing up for such activities in advance and setting goals that stretch your personal limits will motivate you to strive further and push harder in taking your fitness to the next level.


Be part of a like-minded health-focused community

Human beings are social by nature. Having a like-minded, health-focused community around you can be the key factor that helps you keep up with your healthy active living habits. In fact, close to one in two (48%) respondents in our survey said that they experienced an improvement in physical health due to positive influences from their family and friends.


With a supportive social network to provide the encouragement to keep you going, working towards your health goals can be a fun and enjoyable journey. Plus, there are lasting health benefits.


As we continue to navigate the transitions in our daily routines, we never know what kinks and bumps may come our way next. By prioritising exercise and healthy eating as a means to foster better physical and mental health, and making use of available digital tools, platforms and communities to keep you on track, you will be setting yourself up to weather the challenges ahead with newfound health, strength and confidence.
